All_about_code – amazing site for using a Python library called edupy for coding Cam Jam Edu Kits on th eRaspberry Pi.

Pro Bot form TTS

Pro Bot robot

It might be languishing somewhere in your school but the Pro Bot is a fantastic bit of kit for Computing and Mathematics at Key Stage 2.  The official Pro Bot guide is not much use but Terrapin have a great booklet available here.


CRGvvF_W8AA7I-_GPIO Zero appears a great development for physical computing in the classroom. You can use it from flashing LEDs to sensors and motors,  in both Python and Scratch. It utilizes the Pi’s GPIO pins to make programming objects in the real world accessible to everybody. I can’t wait to use it this half term.

 Office 360 apps for education    Google Apps for Education

I have been amazed recently at how many schools just have laptops and no servers.

For them either       Office 360 for education or    Google for Education would seem a perfect fit. I wonder how many schools in this situation have gone down that route and how successful it has been for them.


Looking for great CPD around the Raspberry pi then head over to Picademy at Manchester. Still lots of time to apply. See website booking page for details.

The robot car in action

Updating and Upgrading Raspbian on the Raspberry Pi

VNC for Raspberry Pi

Code for Scratch on your Raspberry Pi to work the motors and let you control it from your keyboard

Source Code

original codes for PiRoCon at git hubWeb Link

Code as it could appear on your Scratch screenScartch code for robotic car


Had lots to say but no time to say it. Now wondering if I should just carry on where I left off but see it focussed on ICT and Computer Science. Mouthful for a website so might just keep it as it is. OECD still seems to find it useful and in UK change of name to Computing was to try to get Computer Science an equal partner with using Information Technology, Communication with digital devices and Digital literacy. 

Not sure whether to change to Computing in the Primary School. Or set up new blog.